Thursday October 28th 10AM – 13:15AM
Friday October 29th 10AM – 13:15AM
Led by: Vukosava Crnjanski (founder and director of the NGO CRTA)
Audience: Representatives of the civil society organization
Working language: English
Free participation
Sign up HERE
Organizer: Association KROKODIL
The COVID-19 pandemic presents a unique challenge for democracies, and thus for the work of civil society organizations. Organizations in non-governmental sector, especially in culture and creative industries, have suffered significant consequences. These organizations had to adapt quickly to the new situation and find a way to offer their audiences support, a place for dialogue, reflection and gathering. In this context, the Better Together project supports the strengthening of leadership skills of cultural and other civil society organizations and further encourage the exchange of experiences and ideas among participants from different countries.
As a part of these efforts, on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th tailor made Better Together Webinar will be organized with a focus on cross-sectoral cooperation and strengthening the leadership skills of individuals and organizations in the field of networking and advocacy. The webinar will be dedicated to main aspects of advocacy. Relying both on the theoretical and conceptual foundations, it will explore different steps and phases of advocacy initiatives, and will explain diverse outcomes of advocacy. It will also cover advocacy strategies and tactics that can be used by smaller or larger initiatives. In addition, the webinar will provide the opportunity for participants from nine regional countries to recognize their advocacy capacities and resources, and learn more about collaboration with different stakeholder groups and networking approaches, that will help them to devise most adequate advocacy initiatives.
Webinar will be led by Ms. Vukosava Crnjanski who works as a trainer and practitioner since 2004, providing capacity building training in advocacy, public outreach and campaigning, strategic planning etc., for non-governmental organizations, government officials and institutions, media, on local, regional and international level. Vukosava is also a founder and director of the Belgrade based NGO CRTA whose work focuses on the establishment of innovative and practical mechanisms and tools for citizen engagement in advocacy for an open, accountable and democratic government in Serbia. Vukosava’s work on public education about accountability in decision making and fostering democratization includes oversight and advocacy for institutional accountability and openness, election observation, fact-checking, media monitoring and fight against disinformation. Vukosava received international recognition for innovation and her commitment and contributions to democracy through the W. Averell Harriman Democracy Award, awarded by the National Democratic Institute in 2013. Under her leadership, CRTA was awarded the OSCE 2018 Democracy Defender Award for contributions to the promotion of democracy and the defense of human rights, as well as the 2018 Commissioner for Information of Public Importance award for its strong contribution in the area of free access to information in Serbia.
Webinar agenda
Thursday October 28th 10AM – 13:15AM
1st Session
· Opening and Introductions
2nd Session
· What Is Advocacy?
· Why Advocacy: Anticipated Advocacy Outcomes
· Main results in participants’ Advocacy work
· Demystification of Power and Politics
3rd Session
· Problem and Issue Identification
· Selecting Our Advocacy Issues
4th Session
· Introduction to Advocacy Strategy Planning
· Triangle Analysis
· Developing Advocacy Objectives
Homework defining
END of the first webinar day
Friday October 29th 10AM – 13:15AM
1st Session
· Stakeholder Analysis
2nd Session
· Lobbying: An Advocacy Tool
3rd Session
· Networking and Coalition Building
· Crafting Your Advocacy Strategies
4th Session
· Wrap up
· Webinar evaluation
Better Together – Strengthening dialogue and cooperation in the time of crises is the name of KROKODIL’s latest project that will bring together representatives of NGOs from the Western Balkans (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia and Kosovo) and the European Union (Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania) in the discussion on the way in which governments responded to the pandemic in regard to the NGO sector and especially in regard to the organizations in the field of culture and creative industries. The negotiating skills and capacities of these organizations in extraordinary circumstances will also be discussed.
The project was supported by the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the US, and USAID.