25 Oct Konkurs za profesionalne fotografe
Fifty years after the organisation of a photographic prize with Sebastião Salgado, CCFD-Terre Solidaire is launching the Terre Solidaire (Earth of Solidarity) photo prize, this demonstrating its renewed commitment to supporting photographers, who are great witnesses to the state of the world and to our actions.
This prize has a triple dimension : to recognize the career of a photographic artist, to support the continuation of the dedicated work and to invite the photographers to join the fights of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.
The theme of the Award is Humanist and Environmental photography. This photographic genre corresponds to the action of CCFD-Terre Solidaire which thinks together social and environmental issues. The idea is to place the human being at the heart of his or her environment and to look at the people who are acting for a more sustainable and fairer world. The form of the photographs is entirely free. Nonetheless, photomontages are forbidden, only configuration tools for prints are accepted. Therefore, it excludes mixed graphic or illustrated narrative devices, collages or photo linkages.
There will be several prizes:
– a financial endowment of 30,000 euros for the winner of the Terre Solidaire Photo Grand Prize.
– an endowment of 10,000 euros for each of the two joint winners of the Terre Solidaire Photo Prize.
– assistance in disseminating their work through exhibitions and the publication of a book.
Closing of the call for applications: December 4, 2022.
Pre-selection of applications: From December 5 to December 18, 2022.
More information: https://ccfd-terresolidaire.org/campagne/terre-solidaire-photo-award-en/