Association KROKODIL is launching a call for applications for literary residencies in duration of 3 months ranging from January to March and from April to June 2024. The open call addresses Ukrainian literary creators – prose writers, poets, essayists, translators, editors, cultural journalists, comic book authors, theoreticians, columnists, singer-songwriters, rappers, spoken word performers etc.
The program is intended for literary creators from Ukraine as well as those who are living in exile.
Beginning in January, residency recipients will be based in the KROKODIL Residence for Writers and will be able, should they wish so, to participate fully in the life of the KROKODIL Center for Contemporary Literature. They will benefit from a monthly grant (depending on the status of the applicant – whether they are coming with the family, partner or on their own), a housing and travel allowance, an individual workspace, and administrative and overall support.
Those interested in applying should send a short email written in Ukrainian or English with desired time slot of the stay and whether they are coming with members of their immediate family, only their partner or alone. Applications should be sent until November 26th by email to office@krokodil.rs. Successful applicants will be notified shortly afterward.
Candidates will be selected by a commission formed by writers, cultural workers and translators from Ukraine and the region of former Yugoslavia.
For any further answers and clarifications do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact person:
Milena Berić
milena.beric@krokodil.rs and office@krokodil.rs
More about the program
KROKODIL’s Writer-in-Residence program has been active ever since 2012 as the only continuous residential program for writers in Serbia. It has in the meantime hosted more than 130 writers from 20 countries. However, to be able to offer this space to literary creators and cultural workers from Ukraine the decision was reached to freeze all usual activities of this ongoing program and to secure it as the safe haven for the creative individuals in jeopardy from this war-torn country. Travel expenses, rent with monthly living expenses as well as a grant allocated monthly will be provided in order to meet the basic needs of these individuals and/or families. The call will be published in October 2023 and the residential period will start in January 2024. Independent commission will select participants based on the analysis of the received application forms.
Besides the residence for writers, the space in KROKODIL’s Center for Contemporary Literature will also be provided together with numerous activities (primarily depending on the wish of the particular residing writer) regarding the professional needs of the exiled writers.
The KROKODIL Association is still the only NGO or think tank in Serbia that is actively focused on helping the citizens of Ukraine and on organizing various activities aimed at initiating the changes in the dominant perception of the public regarding the Russian aggression on Ukraine. Collecting and personally delivering humanitarian aid for the Municipal Perinatal Center in Kharkiv and for the Social Center in Blizniuki was followed by a series of field stories, a travelogue published under the name “12to8.” The last KROKODIL travel to Ukraine ended with the purchase of 400 books for the first Ukrainian library in Serbia which was opened on May 2nd in KROKODIL Center with the presence and support of eight independent local publishers. In addition, some of the other ongoing programs that KROKODIL is focused on are: providing shelter, space for work, and support to Ukrainian literary creators and associations; organizing creative workshops for children from Ukraine; and various debates and panel discussions. For all these reasons Association KROKODIL was awarded several times on local, regional and International level.
For more about the Foundation activities please visit: www.culturalfoundation.eu